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One policy, three types of benefits

My Protection Plan gives you protection for a wide range of critical life events across three areas:

Trauma Benefit

Financial support during time of medical crisis. Pays a benefit on diagnoses of a listed medical condition below:

    Neurological Conditions

  • Alzheimer's disease - dementia (diagnosis)
  • Stroke (of specified severity)*
  • Multiple Sclerosis (with impairment level)
  • Cancers and Tumours Conditions

  • Benign tumour in the brain or spinal cord (with neurological deficit)*
  • Cancer (excluding early stage cancers)*
  • Carcinoma in situ of the breast (of specified severity)*
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (of specified severity)*
  • Melanoma (of specified severity)*
  • Prostate cancer (of specified severity)*
  • Heart Conditions

  • Cardiac arrest (out of hospital)*
  • Cardiomyopathy (with significant permanent impairment)*
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery*
  • Heart attack (of specified severity)*
  • Aortic surgery*
  • Other Serious Conditions

  • Chronic kidney failure (end stage)
  • Severe burns (of specified extent)
  • Loss of independent existence

Trauma Benefits will not be payable where the condition does not meet the policy definition. *If the condition has an asterisk, (*) a 90-day qualifying period applies. This means that if the condition first occurs, becomes reasonably apparent or is first diagnosed in the 90 days after:

• the policy start date, the benefit will not be payable.

• a benefit increase, the increase in benefits will not be payable.



Death and Terminal Illness Benefit

Spare your family financial hardship. Pays a benefit if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness (min. $100,000 and max. $1,000,000).

Benefit payments can be used for any purpose - paid to joint owner, estate or nominated beneficiaries.

This benefit provides a Funeral Advancement payment - a $10,000 advancement of the Death Benefit. These funds can be used to help with urgent expenses while a claim is being assessed. (payment of the Funeral Advancement does not mean that the claim will be accepted).


Specified Injury Benefit

Financial assistance while you’re on the mend. Pays a benefit (maximum $7,500) if you suffer a fracture of your:

  • Skull (excluding bones of the face or nose)
  • Jaw
  • Collar bone
  • Shoulder blade
  • Upper arm (between the elbow and shoulder)
  • Forearm (including wrist but excluding elbow or hand)
  • Pelvis
  • Thigh
  • Kneecap
  • Leg (between the knee and foot)


The benefits are all yours


We pay you (or your estate or beneficiary)

My Protection Plan pays you (or your estate or beneficiary). What this means is that you (or your estate or beneficiary) can choose how to use your payout.


You’ll be well-looked after

When it is time to claim, we will be here for you to make lodging your claim as easy as possible. The claims team at Zurich will keep you up to date with the progress of your claim.


You get the best of both worlds

While we may offer a 'boutique' service, we're backed by Zurich Australia – a global and local insurer.


You’re always protected

My Protection Plan policy is not linked to your loan. So, if you change lenders, you're still protected (subject to the terms and conditions of this policy).